北雁 达

Beiyan Da

Suicide Attempts / Murderee / Redemption

Drowning Quincy Bay, Boston, 2023.07.12
Confronted with the Atlantic Ocean, afraid of dirty seaweeds then large chance to fail, never touched the water
Jumping Home, Beijing, 2023.07.15
Already squatting on the windowsill of the 21st floor, always convincing myself but failed to defeat the undiminishable desire to live; After that, several jumping attempts were made but was never able to touch the window
Hunger Home, Beijing, around 2023.09.10
Tried not to eat anything for 3~4 days but failed eventually
Cut wrist Hotel, Tianjin, 2023.09.23
Imagined to fulfill the bathtub with blood and sleep there but found the difficulty as bathtub is too large and blade causes pain, ended up with just one nonsuicidal self-injury
Drug overdose for dissociation then cut wrist Home, Beijing, 2023.10.12
Used 12 tablets of dextromethorphan, was in dissociation and hallucination but was unable to move so failed
Stab with scissors yushi's home, Beijing, 2023.11.06
Pointing to her with scissors, stood still for ten minutes. Eventually gave up and hugged her
Thrust off bridge into sea Haikou, 2024.02.13
Planned to thrust her off Hainanmingzhu Bridge (in construction) then suicide
Jumping Beijing, 2024.02 and 03
Five nights and five attempts, 22nd floor, but I felt I would definitely die so the fear is undefeatable
Force out of a 22nd-floor window Beijing, 2024.03.07
Attempted to suicide by jumping from window. She was on the window so I pushed her, but she resisted. Then I found another window to jump but was stopped by her
Strangulation yushi's home, Beijing, 2024.03.08
Found that strangling her is funny. Even funnier to choke her to death. She begged for stop
Drug overdose Hebei, 2024.03.11
20g of phenobarbital, mixed into Margarita as a death cocktail, consumed half, slept with Blåhaj
Redemption Hebei, 2024.03.12

yushi hesitated for a day and a half, ultimately deciding to save Da instead of watching her die in peace. It was destiny. Da was found 30 hours after her suicide attempt, and was immediately sent to the ICU. Had Da been found 30 minutes later, it would have been too late to save her.

Three days later, Da awoke, plagued by hallucinations, delusions, mania and depression, fucked yushi off when she came to visit her, saying "Why did you save me? I am being murdered (by delusions)." As Da's mental disorder gradually faded away, Da began to return to reality. The love from the medical team suddenly hit her heart, as she was so weak, to the extent of both physically and mentally disarmed. Da finally realized that love is simple, it is unconditional, or say, infinite. Da is saved.

Meanwhile, after hearing Da's curse, yushi thought it was her that murdered Da. This misunderstanding made yushi feel so guilty that yushi had suicidal ideation, but she knew she must stay alive to let Da meet her again.

After nine days in the ICU, Da miraculously made a full recovery. yushi met Da again, and Da met yushi again. The moment they reunited, Da knew, from heart, that she loves yushi, for no reason, and for every reason. Da grasped the chance of the reunion, eventually opened yushi's heart using all the techniques after months of mutual misery, yet understanding, and conveyed what love is to yushi. This time, yushi comprehended what love is, because she experienced and felt what she had never had before. yushi is saved.

Now, they decide to live the life.